react development

Feature image of ReduxToolKit

How to Setup Redux ToolKit in React? – Devstringx


Redux Toolkit is the officially recommended approach for writing Redux logic. It will help us to simplify, Redux development. Redux Toolkit also includes a robust data fetching and caching capability called RTK Query. It's included in the package. Redux toolkit is a npm package that is made to simplify the creation of a...

Feature image for Web & Mobile app development using reactjs blog

A Guide on Web & Mobile App Development Using ReactJs Framework – DS

Web and Mobile App Development Using ReactJs Framework

The ever-evolving nature of the web and mobile app development process necessitates making informed technology decisions to achieve success. One of these decisions is to ensure a hassle-free user experience. ReactJS has established itself as a pivotal framework for crafting exceptional user interfaces....

Feature image for Pros & Cons of React blog

The Pros and Cons of Using React for Front-End Development – Devstringx

ReactJs: Pros & Cons

In recent years, React has become one of the most popular front-end development frameworks. Developed by Facebook, React is an open-source JavaScript library that enables developers to build dynamic user interfaces with ease. However, like any other technology, React has its own set of advantages and disadvantages....

Feature image for Use of Node with React blog

How to Use React & Node Together: A Comprehensive Guide – Devstringx

React and Node are two popular technologies that are widely used by developers for building web applications. React is a front-end JavaScript library used for building user interfaces, while Node is a back-end JavaScript runtime environment used for building server-side applications. In this article, we will discuss how to use...

Feature image to start new react project

Create a New React Project with 08 Easy Steps – Desvtringx

Making and building React apps is a breeze thanks to the package Create React App. It is one of the simplest methods to start a new React project, making it a great option for both serious, large-scale apps and your own, individual projects. We'll go over each of the key aspects of...

Feature image for React 18 New Features & Update Blog

New In React 18: A Guide to Its New Features and Updates – Devstringx

React 18 has been released in March 2022, and it’s packed with new features, updated APIs, and new deprecations that will change the way you use React. In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at what you can expect with React 18 new features & updates and how to...