Tag - Cypress

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Generate HTML reports with Cypress – Devstringx

While testing/automating any software, it is important to generate reports after execution of any tests.So if we will talk about cypress, Cypress supports multiple reporters, the  most readable report is the HTML reporter. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to generate...

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Generate Allure Reports with Cypress – DS

Allure is a test tool to create nice-looking and concise reports. It can be configured to show bugs, fixtures, broken tests, timing, and history. Allure reports provide great presentational diagrams Step by Step Guide to Generate Allure Reports Follow the below 05...


How to Automate Application Using Cypress Frameworks? – Devstringx

In Today's era of technology a lot of applications are developed day by day and to check these applications a lot of testing technology is available in the market. Actually When any application is developed firstly check if it works...

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Introduction of Cypress A Test Automation Tool – Devstringx

Introduction of Cypress Tool

Cypress is an open-source and free test automation tool, It is mainly used for front-end automation. Cypress helps to achieve the following − Configure tests Configure tests Execute tests Identify errors (if any) Selenium and Cypress are compared...