Microservice Architecture – Devstringx

Microservice Architecture

Microservice Architecture – Devstringx

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Prior to Microservices architecture, Monolithic architecture was in practice in which all the software components are grouped together into a single package (code for different features remains on the same server). Microservice architecture is a design pattern for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) in which the application is divided into small components and each component is developed and deployed independently, each service is autonomous and implements a single business function.

Major Features:

  • As a Component
    • Microservice is treated as independent components which can be deployed independently.
  • Coupling
    • All microservices are loosely coupled with one another which ensures that changes done in one do not affect other microservices.
  • Troubleshooting
    • With microservice troubleshooting, the fault becomes easy as only the affected microservice will go down and the rest will continue to function.
  • Autonomous
    • As microservices are treated autonomy and independent so different development team can work independently.
  • Focused
    • Each microservice is developed to deliver only one business task.


  • Distributed System
    • Different technologies will be used to develop microservices which increases complexity.
  • Monitoring
    • It will have more services to monitor in comparison to Monolithic architecture.
  • Costly
    • Microservice Architecture is costly as different servers need to be maintained for different services.


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