Tag - software testing

API testing with REST Assured

How To Learn About API testing with REST Assured | Devstringx

API’s (Application programming interface) plays important role in development. An application programming interface is an interface that defines interactions between multiple software. API’s are an essential part of any software that is why it becomes necessary to test APIs manually or...

NUnit Selenium Framework

Integrate Extent Report with in NUnit Selenium Framework Screenshots | Devstringx

Setting up Visual Studio Download the latest version of Visual Studio. Select NUnit 3 Test project. 3. Give a project name and click next. 4. As we are creating a selenium framework, we need selenium packages and a browser driver. If you are...


Accessibility Testing: Need, Benefits, and Types | Devstringx

Accessibility is the quality of understanding easily and appreciated. It makes things accessible to all people (whether they have any disability or not) through the design of products, devices, services, or environments. It could be seen as the “ability to...