Tools to Migrate Angular Js to Angular – Devstringx

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Tools to Migrate Angular Js to Angular – Devstringx

What Is Angular Js?

AngularJS is a popular open-source web application framework for developing single-page and mobile applications. It is built on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, which provides developers with powerful tools to create dynamic and robust applications. However, as time goes on, technologies move and shift with the times—and that includes AngularJS. With the arrival of Angular, many developers are now looking to migrate their existing AngularJS projects over to the new framework. But while this process can be daunting, it doesn’t have to be.

Angular JS is a javascript framework for building web applications. It is written in javascript and released under the MIT license. Angular JS developed by Google.

Key features of Angular JS 

  • Modules

Angular JS has a modular structure that allows you to create reusable components.

  • Data Binding

Angular JS data binding is two-way data binding. This means that when there is a change in the model, it will be reflected in the view and vice versa.

  • Directives

Angular JS directives are HTML attributes with an “ng” prefix (ng-app, ng-model, etc). These directives are used to add behavior to HTML elements.

  • Expressions

Angular JS expressions use to access scope variables. Expressions are written in double curly braces {{ }}

  • Filters

Filters use to format data before it displays in the view.

What Is Angular?

Angular is a JavaScript framework for building web applications and SPAs (Single Page Applications). It maintains by Google and a community of individuals and corporations. Angular can use to build both desktop and mobile applications.

AngularJS (also referred to as “Angular 1” or “Angular.js”) is the first version of Angular. It releases in 2010 and is now considered a legacy framework.

AngularJS 2 (or ” Angular 2″) was the next major release after AngularJS 1, but it was a complete rewrite of the framework. It was released in 2016.

Angular 4 was the next major release after Angular 2. It skipped 3 because there were significant internal changes, but not many new features for developers. It was released in 2017.

The latest major release is Angular 5, which was released in November 2017. This release added some important new features, such as Support for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and Build Optimizer tooling.

Recommended to Read:- Difference Between Angular and AngularJS

How to Migrate from Angular JS to Angular?

If you’re like most AngularJS developers, you’re probably wondering how to migrate your AngularJS apps to Angular. Luckily, there are a few tools that can help with this process.

The first tool is the ngMigration assistant. This tool analyzes your AngularJS code and suggests changes that need to be made in order for it to work with Angular.

The second tool is the ngUpgrade library. This library allows you to use AngularJS and Angular components together in your app. This makes it easy to gradually migrate your app from AngularJS to Angular.

The third tool is the angular-CLI-universal package. This package helps you build Universal JavaScript apps, which are apps that can be run on both the server and the client. This is helpful if you want to deploy your app to different platforms, or if you want to take advantage of server-side rendering.

All of these tools can help you migrate your AngularJS apps to Angular with relative ease. So don’t wait any longer, start migrating today!

Why Migrate from Angular Js to Angular?

There are a few key reasons why you might want to migrate your AngularJS application to Angular. First, Angular is a more modern framework than AngularJS, and it offers significant performance improvements over its older counterpart. Second, Angular provides a more consistent development experience, with a cleaner and more modular codebase. Finally, Angular is easier to maintain and scale than AngularJS, making it a better long-term investment for large applications.

If you’re currently using AngularJS in your web application, then you know that it’s not the most modern framework out there. It’s also not the most performant, which can be a serious issue for large applications. Fortunately, there’s a solution: migrating to Angular.

Angular is a newer framework that create by the same team that developed AngularJS. It designs to address all of the issues that were present in AngularJS, and it significantly improves upon its predecessor in both performance and design.

Migrating from AngularJS to Angular is relatively straightforward, thanks to the ngUpgrade library. This library handles all of the heavy lifting involved in upgrading an existing AngularJS application to use the new Angular framework.

Overall, migrating from angular js to angular is a great way to improve the performance and maintainability of your web application. Thanks to ngUpgrade, it’s also relatively easy to do!

Tools for Migrating from Angular JS to Angular

There are a few tools that can help with migrating AngularJS to Angular:

  • The ng-upgrade library from the Angular team. This library provides a bridge between AngularJS and Angular, allowing developers to slowly migrate their apps one feature at a time.
  • The Upgrade Module from the @angular/upgrade package. This module allows developers to bootstrap an AngularJS app inside an Angular app, and then gradually migrate the code over to Angular.
  • Angular-cli-Upgrade. This command line tool helps automate some of the tasks involved in upgrading an AngularJS app to Angular, such as renaming files and updating imports.

Recommended to Read:- The Latest Angular CLI Version: How to Update?


Angular is the new way to go when it comes to web development and there are several tools available that can help you migrate your Angular JS applications to Angular. These tools provide a hassle-free migration process, allowing you to upgrade your applications quickly and easily. With these powerful tools, you can ensure that your application takes advantage of all the advantages offered by Angular – from speed and performance benefits to better security. Now that you know what’s out there, why not try one of these tools today?


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