Learn About API testing with REST Assured | Devstringx

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Codeigniter 4 With JWT

Learn About API testing with REST Assured | Devstringx

Installation of Codeigniter 4

  • Step1: Install the composer
  • Step2: Install the Codeigniter 4

There are two ways to install the Codeigniter 4

Way 1 – create-project codeigniter4/app starter codeigniter4POC

Way 2 – Visit the below link and download the Codeigniter 4 structure


  • Step3: run composer update from the project root terminal
  • Step4: create a token from your GitHub account

codeigniter 4

Click on the link and generate the token from there.

Restful Api Crud

Past the token in the terminal and press enter

  • Step4: Start the server

Run command the “PHP spark serve”

  • Step5: create model “ PHP spark make: model post”
  • Step6: create a table
“CREATE TABLE `codeigniter4poc`.`posts` ( `id` INT(50) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `name` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , `created_at` TIMESTAMP NULL , `updated_at` TIMESTAMP NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB;”
  • Step7: connect to database config/database.php
  • Step8: create controller by PHP spark make: controller Post—restful
  • Step9: create the routes for the APIs in config/routes.php


$routes->post(‘/getdata’, ‘PostCon::getdata’);

$routes->post(‘/insert’, ‘PostCon::insert’);

$routes->post(‘/updatedata’, ‘PostCon::updatedata’);

$routes->post(‘/deletePost’, ‘PostCon::deletePost’);

$routes->post(‘/passdatabyurl/(:any)(:any)’, ‘PostCon::passdatabyurl/$1/$2’);

$routes->post(‘/passdatabyformdata’, ‘PostCon::passdatabyformdata’);

$routes->post(‘/getdatabyrowjson’, ‘PostCon::getdatabyrowjson’);

Read Also:- How to Install Codeigniter 4

  • Step10: past the below code in the post controller

namespace App\Controllers;

use App\Models\Post;

use CodeIgniter\RESTful\ResourceController;

class PostCon extends ResourceController



* Return an array of resource objects, themselves in array format


* @return mixed


public function index()



“error” => false,

“message” => “success”,

“status” => “Success”,

“status_code” => 200,

“data” => []


return $this->respond($response_data);


public function getdata()




$post = new Post();

$user = $post->findAll();


“error” => false,

“message” => “success”,

“status” => “Success”,

“status_code” => 200,

“data” => $user


return $this->respond($response_data);

} catch (\Exception $e) {


“error” => false,

“message” => $e->getMessage(),

“status” => “Success”,

“status_code” => 200,

“data” => $user


return $this->respond($response_data);



public function insert()




$post = new Post();

$data[‘name’] = “test”;



“error” => false,

“message” => ‘Data inserted successfully’,

“status” => “Success”,

“status_code” => 200,

“data” => $data


return $this->respond($response_data);

} catch (\Exception $e) {


“error” => false,

“message” => $e->getMessage(),

“status” => “Success”,

“status_code” => 200,

“data” => []


return $this->respond($response_data);



public function updatedata()




$post = new Post();

$post->set(‘name’, ‘tessssteing’);

$post->where(‘id’, 2);



“error” => false,

“message” => ‘Data Updated successfully’,

“status” => “Success”,

“status_code” => 200,

“data” => []


return $this->respond($response_data);

} catch (\Exception $e) {


“error” => false,

“message” => $e->getMessage(),

“status” => “Success”,

“status_code” => 200,

“data” => []


return $this->respond($response_data);



public function deletePost()




$post = new Post();

$post->where(‘id’, 1)->delete();


“error” => false,

“message” => ‘Data deleted successfully’,

“status” => “Success”,

“status_code” => 200,

“data” => []


return $this->respond($response_data);

} catch (\Exception $e) {


“error” => false,

“message” => $e->getMessage(),

“status” => “Success”,

“status_code” => 200,

“data” => []


return $this->respond($response_data);



public function passdatabyurl($num1,$num2)


//Get data from the url

echo $num1;

echo $num2;



public function passdatabyformdata()


//get data from the form data

$data = $this->request->getPost();




public function getdatabyrowjson()


//get data from the json format

$data = $this->request->getJSON();




  • Step11: run the command from the root of the project

“PHP spark serve”

Recommended to Read:- What Is Codeigniter and its Advantages?

How to use the custom helper in the Codeigniter?

Note: reference documentation

  • Use of the model to communicate with the database


  • How to use the Query builder?


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