Python With Behave Framework | Prerequisites, Features, Setting up, Features File – DS

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Python With Behave Framework | Prerequisites, Features, Setting up, Features File – DS

What Is Behave?

Behave is BDD (behavior-driven development), BDD is an agile software development technique that encourages collaboration between developers, QA, and non-technical in a software project.

Behave is written in plain English, coded in python.

Prerequisites for Behave

  1. First, choose the code editor (I will choose PyCharm).
  2. Download Behave and Install Gherkin
  • For Behave, Create New Project and Go to Settings > Click on Project > Click on Python Interpreter > Click on (+) Icon > Enter behave in the search field > Select behave and click on Install Package.

Image of project interpreter

image of behave available packages

  • For Gherkin Plugin, Go to Settings > Click on Plugins > Go to Marketplace > Type Gherkin and Click on Install.

Image of market place of gherkin

Feature File

  1. A feature film is written by Business Analyst/whoever with your behavior scenarios in it.

Feature files contain scenarios and steps written in plain English in the “Given when, and then” format.

  • Given write a step with a precondition.
  • When we take key actions the user performs.
  • Then we observe the outcomes
  • And or But these are renamed by behave to take the name of the preceding step.
  1. In the “steps” directory, scenarios implement in python files. Steps are identified by matching the predicate from the feature file: given, when and then.

Scenario Outlines

When we need to run with a number of variables giving a set of known states


Feature file:

image to show user information

Corresponding Step File
from behave import *

@given('user enters "{name}" and "{password}"')
def step_implpy(context, name, password):
    print("Username for login: {}".format(name))
    print("Password for login: {}".format(password))

@then('user should be logged in')
def step_implpy(context):


Image of search features behave

Setting Up the Behave Project

Make a directory “features”. In that create a file called “demo. feature” and create one scenario as shown in the image:

image of demo features

Make a New directory called “features/steps”. In that create a file called “” and enter the following code:

from behave import *
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver import Keys
from import By

@given(u'I navigate to')
def step_impl(context):
    context.driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="C:/Users/HP/Downloads/Drivers/chromedriver.exe")

@when(u'I validate the page title')
def step_impl(context):
    title = context.driver.title
    assert "Google" in title

@then(u'I enter the text as python behave')
def step_impl(context):
    context.driver.find_element(By.NAME, "q").send_keys("Python Behave"+Keys.ENTER)

@then(u'I click the search button')
def step_impl(context):

To run the above Scenario, Open the Terminal and enters the command:

Behave Features

It’s a command to run the features file, After pressing enter we’ll get the following output –

Output of behave feature

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