30/30/30 Product Management Rule – Devstringx

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30/30/30 Product Management Rule – Devstringx

As product managers, we all strive to create successful products. However, it can be challenging to balance customer needs, business goals, and technical constraints. That’s why we need a framework to guide our decision-making process. In this article, we will introduce the 30/30/30 rule. A product management framework that can help you balance these competing priorities and create successful products.

The 30-30-30 Product Management rule is a well-known concept in the world of product development. It is a methodology that helps companies and product managers to prioritize their tasks, set goals, and make effective decisions that will benefit the overall success of the product.

Product management is a complex and multi-faceted role that requires juggling various responsibilities, from customer research to product development to marketing and launch. With so many tasks to manage, it can be challenging for product managers to stay focused and prioritize their efforts effectively.

This is where the 30-30-30 Product Management rule comes in. This methodology suggests that product managers divide their time equally among three areas: customer research and insights, product development, and marketing and launch. In this blog post, we will discuss the 30-30-30 rule and how it can be applied to product management.

30/30/30 Product Management Rule

The 30/30/30 rule is important because it helps product managers to balance competing priorities. By dedicating equal time to customer research, business goals, and technical considerations. We ensure that we are considering all aspects of the product development process. This framework helps us to avoid tunnel vision and make better-informed decisions.

The 30-30-30 rule is a simple concept that suggests product managers should divide their time equally among three areas:

  • 30% for Customer Research and Insights

Understanding the needs and wants of customers is crucial for developing a successful product. The first 30% of a product manager’s time should dedicate to researching and gathering insights on the target market. This involves identifying the target audience, conducting market research, analyzing data, and gathering feedback from customers.

  • 30% for Product Development

The next 30% of a product manager’s time should be spent on product development. This involves creating a product roadmap, prioritizing features, and working with the development team to build and launch the product.

  • 30% for Product Marketing and Launch

The final 30% of a product manager’s time should be focused on marketing and launching the product. This includes creating a go-to-market strategy, developing marketing materials, and coordinating with the sales team to ensure a successful launch.

Importance of 30/30/30 Product Management Rule

The 30-30-30 Product Management rule is important because it ensures that product managers focus on the most critical areas of product development. By dedicating an equal amount of time to customer research, product development, marketing, and launch. Product managers can ensure that their product is successful in the market. Here are some of the benefits of following the 30-30-30 rule:

  • Customer-Focused

By dedicating 30% of their time to customer research. Product managers can ensure that their product meets the needs and wants of their target audience. This helps to create a customer-focused product that is more likely to succeed in the market.

  • Efficient Product Development

By spending 30% of their time on product development. Product managers can ensure that the development process is efficient and that the product is launched on time. This helps to reduce development costs and increase the chances of success.

  • Successful Product Launch

By dedicating 30% of their time to product marketing and launch, product managers can ensure that the product is launched successfully in the market. This helps to increase sales and revenue and to build a positive brand image. 

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How to Apply the 30/30/30 Product Management Rule?

Now that you know what the 30-30-30 rule is, let’s dive into how to apply it to your product management process.

  • Planning

During the planning stage, it’s important to define your product vision, goals, and objectives. You’ll also want to develop a roadmap for achieving those goals, as well as gather user feedback and research your target market.

To do this, start by creating a product vision statement that clearly defines what your product is, who it’s for, and what problems it solves. From there, set specific, measurable goals that align with your vision statement, and develop a roadmap for achieving those goals.

During this stage, it’s also important to gather user feedback to ensure that your product meets the needs of your target market. Conduct surveys, interviews, and focus groups to gather data on user preferences, pain points, and expectations.

  • Execution

The execution stage is where you’ll develop and launch your product, and focus on delivering value to your customers. During this stage, you’ll work closely with your development team to ensure that your product is built to your specifications, and you’ll be responsible for setting and meeting project milestones.

To ensure success during the execution stage, focus on effective communication and collaboration with your team. Set clear expectations for project milestones and deadlines, and provide regular feedback to ensure that your team is on track.

  • Analysis

The analysis stage is where you’ll measure the success of your product and make data-driven decisions about its future. During this stage, you’ll gather and analyze customer feedback, review sales data, and make recommendations for improving your product based on your findings.

To make the most of the analysis stage, focus on gathering both quantitative and qualitative data. Use analytics tools to gather data on user behavior, and conduct surveys and interviews to gather feedback on user satisfaction and pain points. Use this data to identify areas for improvement, and make recommendations for product updates

  • Allocate Time

The next step is to allocate time to each area. This involves dividing the product manager’s time into three equal parts and dedicating 30% to each area.

  • Prioritize Tasks

The final step is to prioritize tasks within each area. This involves identifying the most critical tasks and focusing on them first. For example, within the customer research area, the most critical task might be to identify the target audience and gather insights into their needs and wants.


In conclusion, the 30/30/30 rule is a powerful product management framework that can help you balance customer needs, business goals, and technical considerations. By dedicating equal time to these three areas and reserving 10% of the product development process for unexpected challenges. You can create successful products that meet the needs of your customers, your company, and your development team. So, the next time you are developing a new product, consider using the 30/30/30 rule as a guide for your decision-making process.


  • Who developed the 30/30/30 rule, and how long has it been in use?

The origin of the 30 30 30 rule is unclear. It believes to have been popularized by Marty Cagan, a well-known product management expert, in his book “Inspired: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love.”

  • How do the 30/30/30 rules differ from other product management frameworks?

The 30 30 30 rule is a simple yet effective framework that focuses on three key areas of product management: customers, development team, and strategy. Other frameworks may focus on different aspects of product management, such as Agile or Lean methodologies.

  • What are the benefits of using the 30/30/30 rule in product management?

The 30 30 30 rule can help product managers stay customer-focused, ensure that their development team aligns with their goals, and make time for strategic initiatives that can help drive the business forward.

  • How can the 30/30/30 rule help product managers balance their workload?

By spending equal time with customers, the development team, and their own strategic initiatives, product managers can ensure that they are not neglecting any important aspects of their job. This can help them maintain a healthy work-life balance and avoid burnout.

  • How can the 30/30/30 rule help product managers improve their product development process?

By spending more time with the development team. Product managers can provide guidance, feedback, and support to ensure that the product development process is efficient and effective. This can help streamline the process and reduce the time-to-market.

  • How can the 30/30/30 rule help product managers stay focused on their strategic initiatives?

By dedicating a specific amount of time to their strategic initiatives, product managers can ensure that they are making progress on their long-term goals. This can help them stay focused on the big picture and avoid getting bogged down in day-to-day tasks.

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