Play Around Data and Keyword – Hybrid Driven Framework – Devstringx
Hybrid Framework
Hybrid Driven Framework is an ideal framework for manual testers who have no programming knowledge. This concept takes advantage of the Keyword-driven framework and the Information-driven framework.
JAVA, Selenium, IDE (any)
# Sauté Keywords
publicclass Keywords { publicvoidclick(RemoteWebDriverdriver, String ObjectName, String locatorType) throwsIOException, InterruptedException{ Thread.sleep(1000); try { driver.findElement(this.getObject(ObjectName, locatorType)).click(); }catch (Exception e) { // } }
publicvoidenter(RemoteWebDriverdriver, String ObjectName, String locatorType, String value) throwsInterruptedException {
try { WebDriverWaitwebDriverWait = newWebDriverWait(driver, 20); webDriverWait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(this.getObject(ObjectName, locatorType))); driver.findElement(this.getObject(ObjectName, locatorType)).click(); new Actions(driver).sendKeys(value).build().perform(); } catch (Exception e) { // } }
publicvoidassertion(RemoteWebDriverdriver, String ObjectName, String locatorType, String Expected, String value) throwsInterruptedException, IOException {
booleanpresent = false; try { WebDriverWaitwebDriverWait = newWebDriverWait(driver, 20); webDriverWait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(this.getObject(ObjectName, locatorType))); if (driver.findElement(this.getObject(ObjectName, locatorType)).getText().contains(value)) present = true; } catch (Exception e) { // } if(Expected.contains("true")) Assert.assertTrue(present); elseAssert.assertFalse(present); } By getObject(String ObjectName, String locatorType) throws IOException{ //Object Repository is opened File file = newFile(Path.CONFIG_OR_FILE_PATH); FileInputStreamfileInput = newFileInputStream(file);
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//Properties file is read
Properties prop = newProperties(); prop.load(fileInput); //find by xpath if(locatorType.equalsIgnoreCase("XPATH")){ returnBy.xpath(prop.getProperty(ObjectName)); } //find by class elseif(locatorType.equalsIgnoreCase("ID")){ return; } //find by name elseif(locatorType.equalsIgnoreCase("NAME")){ return; }else { } return null; } }
#Assemble Steps
public class Steps { Keywords keyword = newKeywords(); publicvoidperform(RemoteWebDriverdriver,Stringoperation, String objectName, String typeLocator,Stringexpected, String testdata) throwsInterruptedException, IOException { switch (operation) { case"Enter_URL": driver.get(testdata); break; case"Enter": keyword.enter(driver, objectName, typeLocator, testdata); case"Click":, objectName, typeLocator); default: break; }
if(operation.contains("AssertElement")){ –– keyword.assertion(driver,objectName, typeLocator, expected, testdata); } } }
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# Mix and Serve
publicvoidExecuteStepsFromExcel(RemoteWebDriverdriver, intcount) throwsInterruptedException, IOException { File file = newFile(filePath + File.separator + fileName); String value = null; FileInputStreaminputStream; Workbook workbook = null; try { inputStream = newFileInputStream(file); workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(inputStream); } catch (Exception e) { } Sheet worksheet = workbook.getSheet(readSuiteNameUsingKeyFromExcel().get(count)); Row firstRow = worksheet.getRow(0); introw = worksheet.getLastRowNum(); intcolumn = worksheet.getRow(1).getLastCellNum(); String Testdata = null; for (inti = 1; i<= row; i++) { LinkedList<String>Testexecution = new LinkedList<>(); for (intj = 0; j<column; j++) { Cell Criteria = worksheet.getRow(i).getCell(j); String CriteriaText; if (Criteria == null) { CriteriaText = null; } else { CriteriaText = Criteria.getStringCellValue(); } Testexecution.add(CriteriaText); Cell cell = worksheet.getRow(i).getCell(j); switch (cell.getCellType()) { caseCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: value = cell.getRichStringCellValue().getString(); break; caseCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: value = Integer.toString(((int) cell.getNumericCellValue())); break; caseCell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK: value = ""; break; } } String Keyword = Testexecution.get(0); String TypeLocator = Testexecution.get(1); String ObjectName = Testexecution.get(2); String Expected = Testexecution.get(3); String Testdata = Testexecution.get(4); if (i==1) { if(!Testdata.isBlank()) step.perform(driver, Keyword, ObjectName, TypeLocator, Expected, Testdata); } elseif (i> 1) { step.perform(driver, Keyword, ObjectName, TypeLocator, Expected, Testdata); } System.out.println("Row" + i + " is read and action performed"); } System.out.println("****TEST CASE " + worksheet.getSheetName() + " is executed*****"); }
Read Also:- Ultimate Guide On Behavior Driven Development Testing
Stir Excel
# RoastTestcase
# Garnish Keywords
Expert Tips
- Use Maven for dependencies
- Choose TestNG for reports
- What is a hybrid framework in Selenium?
A hybrid framework in Selenium is a testing framework that combines elements from multiple types of testing frameworks. Hybrid frameworks typically use a combination of keyword-driven testing and data-driven testing to create a flexible and efficient testing strategy.
- What is a keyword-driven framework in Selenium?
A keyword-driven framework in Selenium is a testing framework that uses a set of predefined keywords or actions to execute tests. Keyword-driven frameworks are typically easy to maintain and can be used by testers with limited programming knowledge.
- What is a data-driven framework in Selenium?
A data-driven framework in Selenium is a testing framework that separates the test data from the test logic. In this type of framework, test data is stored in a separate file or database, and is accessed by the test script as needed.
- How does a hybrid framework in Selenium work?
A hybrid framework in Selenium combines the benefits of both keyword-driven testing and data-driven testing. These blocks of code are then called by the test script and executed with different sets of data as needed.
- What are the benefits of using a hybrid framework in Selenium?
There are several benefits of using a hybrid framework in Selenium, including:
- Flexibility
- Reusability
- Maintainability
- Ease of use
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