How to set an app password and verify the email of the logged in users into an application? – Devstringx

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How to set an app password and verify the email of the logged in users into an application? – Devstringx

Do you know how to generate the app password and verify the email for required actions like user log-in, file downloads, etc?
If not, then this blog will help you to learn that.

How to automate a test case where 2 – factor authentication is enabled?

Less Secure App access setting is no longer available so now if you want to integrate Selenium with your Gmail account, then you need to create an app password first.

App Password: It can be used for accounts in which 2-steps verification is turned on.

Steps to turn on App Password:

  • Open your Google account
  • Click on Manage your Google Account and select security
  • Under “Signing in to Google,” select App Passwords
  • Sign in, to your account
  • Select the app and device and click on Generate button as shown in the below image

Dashboard to change App password

  • The App Password appears in the yellow bar on your device as shown below:

App password for Windows Computer

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Code to Verify the user is getting an email notification for the user logged in to the system

In this example, I have logged in to a web application and verified the user is getting an email logged in user.

*** Settings ***
Library           Collections
Library           OperatingSystem
Library           String
Library           SeleniumLibrary

*** Variables ***
${driver} webdriver.gecko.driver
${path} C:\\Users\\ddev0\\Downloads\\driver\\chromedriver
${url}= “enter your site URL here”
${browser} chrome

#Gmail Login
USER_EMAIL = "mailto:[email protected]"
USER_PASS  = "wituloholeefukow"      #App password
APP_USER_EMAIL = "mailto:[email protected]"
APP_USER_PASS  = "Tester1@”

*** Keywords ***
Verify Email Notification For Logged In User
    [Documentation]  This keyword use to verify email of account verified 
    ...   Argument1: user of the registered user
    ...   Argument2: email of the registered user
    [Arguments]  ${username}  ${email}
    Open Mailbox    user=${USER_EMAIL}   password=${USER_PASS}
    ${LATEST} =    Wait For Email    subject=Login  (${email})    timeout=300
    ${HTML} =    Get Email body    ${LATEST}
    Should Contain  ${HTML}  Hello  ${username}
    Should Contain  ${HTML}  Thank you for verifying your email address.  Your account will be approved shortly and you will receive an email with information 
    Should Contain  ${HTML}  In the meantime, please make sure to sign up
    Close Mailbox

Login With User   #created keyword to login into my app
    [Arguments]    ${user}   ${pswd}
    Login Page Should Be Seen
    input text    ${EMAIL_INPUT_FIELD}      ${user}
    input text    ${PASSWORD_INPUT_FIELD}    ${pswd}
    Click Button    ${SUBMIT_BTN}

*** Test Cases ***

Verify user is getting notification when a registered user logged in into system
    [Tags]   test=1
     Set Environment Variable ${driver} ${path}
     Open Browser ${url} ${browser}                                   
     Login With User    ${APP_USER_EMAIL}    ${APP_USER_PASS} 
     Verify Email Notification For Logged In User  ${USERNAME}   ${USER_EMAIL}  
     Close After Test    ${USERNAME}
     Close Browser

Command to Run the Above Program

Program to run

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EmailNotifications Report

Test Details

I hope this blog helped you to learn, how to set the app password and verify the email for the accounts where two-factor authentication is enabled.

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