Appium Image Recognition Using Java – Devstringx

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Appium Image Recognition Using Java – Devstringx

We are going to identify the graphics content of a mobile app using the Appium image recognition library.

We are using an image element (a base64-encoded image file) as a template to compare it with the image captured from a device screen.

Let’s see how this approach works.


  • Appium
  • Java
  • Nodejs
  • Android Studio
  • IDE

Get Started

Install the latest version of Appium

npmi -g appium

Install OpenCV image comparison library

npmi -g opencv4nodejs

Detailed installation guide for OpenCV library here

Methods Used

  • Locate Images
publicMobileElementgetAllImage(AppiumDriver<MobileElement>driver, intimgCount) throws Exception {

                        By img = By.xpath("//android.widget.Image");

                        waitForElementVisibility(driver, img);

                        MobileElementcurrentImg = null;

                        List<MobileElement>imgs = driver.findElements(img);

                        for (inti = 0; i<imgs.size(); i++) {

                                    if (imgCount == i) {

                                                currentImg = imgs.get(i);




  • Capture Images From the App to Compare
public File doVisualCheckAllImages(AppiumDriver<MobileElement>driver, intimgCount) throws Exception {

                        String baselineFilename = VALIDATION_PATH + "/screenshots/app/img" + imgCount + ".png";

                        File baselineImg = new File(baselineFilename);


                        File newBaseline = driver.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);

                        BufferedImagefullImg =;


                        // Get the location of element on the pageto capture screenshot

                        Point point = getAllImage(driver, imgCount).getLocation();


                        // Get width and height of the element to capture screenshot

                        inteleWidth = getAllImage(driver, imgCount).getSize().getWidth();

                        inteleHeight = getAllImage(driver, imgCount).getSize().getHeight();


                        // Crop the entire page screenshot to get only element screenshot

                        BufferedImageeleScreenshot = fullImg.getSubimage(point.getX(), point.getY(), eleWidth, eleHeight);

                        ImageIO.write(eleScreenshot, "png", newBaseline);


                        FileUtils.copyFile(newBaseline, new File(baselineFilename));



  • Compare Result
publicvoidcompareResult(AppiumDriver<MobileElement>driver, String checkName, String checkName2)throws Exception {

                        SimilarityMatchingOptionsopts = newSimilarityMatchingOptions();


                        File Img2 = newFile(VALIDATION_PATH + "/screenshots/app/" + checkName2 + ".png");

                        File Img1 = newFile(VALIDATION_PATH + "/screenshots/app/" + checkName + ".png");

                        try {

                                    SimilarityMatchingResultres = driver.getImagesSimilarity(Img1, Img2, opts);

                                    // If the similarity is not high enough, consider the check to be failed

                                    if (res.getScore() <MATCH_THRESHOLD) {

                                                File failViz = newFile(VALIDATION_PATH + "/FAIL_APP_" + checkName + ".png");



                                                                    "Visual check of '%s' with '%s' failed; similarity match is only %f, and below the threshold of %f. Visualization written to %s.",

                                                                        checkName, checkName2, res.getScore(), MATCH_THRESHOLD, failViz.getAbsolutePath()));


                                    } else

                                                // Otherwise, it passed!

                                                System.out.println(String.format("Visual check of '%s' with '%s' passed; similarity match is %f",

                                                                        checkName, checkName2, res.getScore()));


                        } catch (


                        Exception e) {

            System.err.println("Visual check of " + checkName + " with " + checkName2+ " failed; Both images are expected to have the same size in order to calculate the similarity score.");




Test Run:

publicvoidverifyPictures() throws Exception {

app.doVisualCheckAllImages(driver, 0);

app.doVisualCheckAllImages(driver, 1);

app.compareResult(driver, "img0", "img1");


Recommended To Read – Mobile App Automation Testing Using Appium and Python

Test run console

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