Mobile Test Automation Using Appium Python | Devstringx

Mobile Test Automation

Mobile Test Automation Using Appium Python | Devstringx

Appium Setup In Pycharm

With the following steps, you can easily step-by-step setup Appium in Pycharm

1: Install Python

  1. Go to the link
  2. Download the latest version for windows
  3. Add Python path in a user variable

2: Install Pycharm Community Edition

  1. Go to the link “
  2. Download the community edition for windows

3: Install Node JS

  1. Go to the link “
  2. Download the most recommended user version for windows

4: Install Appium Desktop App

  1. Go to the link “
  2. Download the latest version for windows

5: Install Appium through Command Line

  1. Open Command Line and Type npm install -g appium
  2. Check version npm -v

6: Install Android Studio

  1. Go to the link “
  2. Download the latest version for windows
  3. Configure System variables

7: Create a Virtual Device

  1. Select Pixel device from the phone
  2. Download Android version 11
  3. Launch the emulator

Read Also:- WinAppDriver – Free Test Automation Tool

Appium Test Creation

  1. Create Project ‘AppiumProject’ in Pycharm
  2. Download the Appium package by pip install Appium-Python-Client
  3. Create Python File as FlipkartTest
  4. Write the sample code to launch the Flipkart app from Appium import web driver
desired_caps = {

“deviceName”: “Pixel 3a XL API 29”,

“platform name”: “Android”,

“version”: “10”,

“udid”: “emulator-5554”,

“app”: “D:\\AppiumProject\\app\\demo.apk”


driver = web driver.Remote(“http://localhost:4723/wd/hub", desired_caps)

Appium Test Execution

  1. Launch the emulator
  2. Start Appium Server
  3. Run your file


  • Can we use Appium with Python?

Yes, BrowserStack App Automate lets you test native and hybrid mobile apps using the Appium automation framework. Appium tests written in Python can be easily run on real Android and iOS devices on BrowserStack.

  • How do you automate mobile apps in Python?

Server Settings of Appium Python

  1. You will need your BrowserStack username and access key.
  2. Upload your application. Upload Android apps (.apk or .aab files) or iOS apps (.ipa files) to the BrowserStack server using REST API.
  3. Configure and run your tests.
  4. Displays test results.
  • What Is Appium Mobile Testing?

Appium is an open-source test automation python Appium framework for native, hybrid, and mobile web applications. It uses the WebDriver protocol to drive iOS, Android, and Windows applications.

  • Which Language Is Appium Written In?

Appium lets you write test scripts in Java, Appium Python, Ruby, C#, JavaScript, PHP, or any other language supported by Selenium. Appium allows you to test multiple devices simultaneously on different operating systems.

  • Does Appium Need Coding?

You need to write the Appium test code.

Testers must learn a programming language to automate testing (which can take months). This will disable python android automation for pro users and testers.

  • What are the Limitations of Appium?

Currently, Appium doesn’t support it, so the second test is broken. Appium doesn’t have a queuing system, so that’s a significant limitation. If you need to support multiple sessions, you’ll have to implement it yourself.

If you are interested in even more software testing-related articles and information from us here at Devstringx, then we have a lot to choose from you.

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