How To Install The Telescope In Laravel | Devstringx
Laravel is a web framework that is mostly used for web and API development. It has a large community of developers. And a rich collection of libraries. In this blog, we will learn about telescopes.
The telescope is a Laravel library Telescope provides insight into the requests coming into your application, exceptions, log entries, database queries, queued jobs, mail, notifications, cache operations, scheduled tasks, variable dumps, and more.
Steps to install the telescope in your project
Step 1. Run the below command in your project
composer require Laravel/Telescope
Step2. After Install, the telescope publish its assets and create required table’s using the below commands
PHP artisan telescope: install
PHP artisan migrate
Step3. Now open the URL
Step4. Your telescope is installed successfully
Read Also:- How to develop API with NodeJS and Express
Request Screen
Query screen