Test Automation


Maven Goals To Execute Commands Post Test Execution


Objective - 

Recently in one of the projects we got the requirement to create the test execution summary file after parsing the TestNG emailable report once the test execution is finished.   

Challenge - 

We were running the test with Maven goal which generates the emailable report in target directory of the project but...


Getting Started With Protractor A Test Automation Framework


About Protractor

It is a test automation framework that is used for automating web application testing. It combines technologies such as Jasmine, Selenium Web driver, and Node.js. Using a protractor, we can automate both Angular and non-Angular applications.

Some Features of Protractor

Supports simple syntax to write tests Supports Behaviour Driven Development...

Test Automation Benefits

Benefits of the Test Automation – Devstringx

In today’s time test automation is a necessity, and automating the testing process is essential. Test automation if done correctly will provide many benefits and can provide huge RoI (Return on Investment). Automation testing not only is helpful in regression testing but also will reduce your pain in day-to-day feature...