Tag - Test Automation

Feature image for API Automation using python blog

API Automation Testing Using Python – Devstringx

API (Application Programming Interface) automation has become an integral part of software testing and development. With the rise of web services and microservices architecture, APIs are used to connect various systems, allowing them to communicate and share data. Testing APIs...

Feature image for select right test automation blog

How to Select the Right Test Automation Testing Tool? – Devstringx

Test automation is widely used by software developers to increase the efficiency and accuracy of their test processes. It can help them quickly identify problems in the code and fix them before the product launches. However, choosing the right automation...

Katalon Studio

Tutorial On Web Testing with Katalon Studio – Devstringx

Web Testing with Katalon Studio Katalon Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for automated test generation, where we can create, execute and view reports for our automated test. With both manual view and scripted view, It is suitable even when...

Selenium Test Automation

How to Process Java Script Executor in Selenium Test Automation | Devstringx

Methods of Selenium Query Selector QuerySelector() method in HTML DOM is used to find the first HTML Element. This method function is similar to findElement() in selenium.  Syntax:  document.querySelector(selector) QuerySelectorAll() method in HTML DOM is used to return the list of...

Mobile Test Automation

Mobile Test Automation Using Appium Python | Devstringx

Appium Setup In Pycharm With the following steps, you can easily step-by-step setup Appium in Pycharm 1: Install Python Go to the link https://www.python.org/downloads/ Download the latest version for windows Add Python path in a user variable 2: Install Pycharm Community Edition Go to the...

Robot Framework and Features

Robot Framework and Features | Automation Framework | Devstringx

About Robot Framework and Some of its Core Features Robot Framework is a generic open-source automation framework. It can be used for test automation and robotic process automation (RPA). Some Features 1. Easy for beginners 2. Simple Tabular Syntax 3. Data-driven Test Cases 4. Generic test...

LEAPWORK Automation Platform

Introduction of LEAPWORK Automation Platform – Devstringx

Leap work Automation Platform LEAPWORK  Platform enables users to build and execute automation flows for test and process automation. The flows are designed with connecting visual building blocks each, of which performs & represents one or more operations, like “Click element”, “Start...