

React Developer Basic Roles

React Developer Basic Roles and Responsibilities – Devstringx

  What are the main responsibilities of a React developer? Let's take a look at what React developers do in the software development lifecycle. A successful business requires leveraging digital and online presence. The most effective way to expand your customer base...

React Development Services

What are the Benefits of Hiring React Developers Through a Software Company?

React developers have been a big challenge over the past few years. The number and quality of JavaScript engineers are steadily increasing, but not all experts are familiar with React Development Services and React development tools. Imagine spending a few days...

Feature image for Angular 2 Digital Signature Blog

Digital Signature Implementation Using Angular 2 Signaturepad – Devstringx

Create A New Angular Project Use the Angular CLI tool to create an Angular project. Execute the following command to create the project. ng new signaturePadProject Would you like to add Angular routing? Yes Which stylesheet format would you like to...

Laravel Unit Test Cases

Laravel Unit Test Cases with Data Provider – Devstringx

Laravel is an open-source PHP framework, Which is widely used for web application development using PHP. Laravel provides the reusability of the code. And well-structured formatting of the code and files. It has a rich collection of libraries for different...

Angular 11 + Push Notifications

Angular 11 + Firebase Cloud Messaging Push Notifications – Devstringx

What are Push Notifications? A push notification is a popup message similar to an SMS. Push notifications work the same as SMS text messages and mobile alerts.  This provides the ability to receive messages pushed to them from a server, whether...

AWS ec2

Create A Service to Run Jar File In Background As System Service on AWS EC2 – Devstringx

Prerequisite: Java should already have Open and connect AWS ec2 instance using terminal Reach out root folder where the domain is pointing out for me it's /var/www/HTML/ Take pull the latest Spring Boot code from git*** MVN clean install - this will convert...

Redux Using React JS

Complete Tutorial On Redux Using With React JS | Devstringx

What Is React JS? React Js is an open-source JavaScript library that utilizes for building client interfaces explicitly for single-page applications. It's utilized for taking care of the view layer for web and versatile applications. Respond likewise permits us to make...

Image Compression using code only

How to Compress Image With Custom Ratio Without The Support of Third Party Library ?| Devstringx

Compress Images without the Support of Third Party Library Let’s create a new angular project using the Angular CLI tool by executing the following CLI command ng new image-compression Would you like to add Angular routing? Yes Which stylesheet format would...