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Create Test Using Record, Manual & Script View In Katalon – Devstringx

What Is Katalon Studio? Katalon is a free automation testing tool, which helps us to create different types of automation tests. Katalon Studio is a complete web and mobile automation testing tool which extends the capabilities of selenium and Appium. It's...

Banner for Integrate Performance tests with Grafana and InfluxDB blog

How to Integrate Performance tests with Grafana and InfluxDB? – Devstringx

Pre-Requisites Java version -11: Make sure you have at least this minimum version Jmeter version - 5.4.3 only InfluxDB v2.0 Grafana version - 8.2.  Setup of influxDb Download and install influx dB from here - https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb2-client-2.3.0-windows-amd64.zip Expand the downloaded folder Open...


Windows Application Driver (WinAppDriver) With C# – Devstringx

What Is Windows Application Driver (WinAppDriver)? WinAppDriver is a service to support Selenium-like UI Test Automation on Windows Applications. This service supports testing Universal Windows Platform (UWP), Windows Forms (WinForms), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), and Classic Windows apps on Windows 10...