postman api testing

Feature image for Postman API test

What Is Postman & How to Use Postman to Test API? – Devstringx

What Is Postman?

Postman is a platform or software testing tool used for API Testing. It is a simple GUI (Graphic User Interface) to send and view HTTP requests and responses. API (Application Programming Interface) is an interface that defines a set of protocols (rules) that help various software components to interact...

Feature image for Tests scripts postman

How to Write & Add Tests Scripts with Postman? – Devstringx

What Is Postman?

Postman is an API (Application programming interface) development tool that helps to build, test, and modify APIs. Virtually any practicality that might require by any developer encapsulate in this tool. It's the power to make varied sorts of protocol requests(GET, POST, PUT, PATCH), save the environment for later...