Locators In Selenium With Examples

What are Locators

Selenium IDE allows users to precisely locate GUI elements, such as text boxes and checkboxes, for their automation scripts.

Different Types of Locators in Selenium

Selenium WebDriver is a powerful tool that can use to locate any element on the web page with ease.

ID locator

With the ID locator, finding any element on a web page is both safe and speedy. It offers unparalleled efficiency, so it’s no wonder that this approach is universally preferred for locating elements!

Name Locator

The name locator is the go-to solution for quickly pinpointing elements on a webpage – second only to its speedier counterpart.

ClassName Locator

For fast, efficient web page navigation and styling, the Class Name locator offers a convenient way to locate elements using the value of their “class” attribute.

XPath Locator

XPath is a powerful language used to traverse the nodes of an XML document, allowing you to locate and select data with ease.

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