Top 05 Elixir Interview Questions in 2024

1. What is Elixir and why is it unique?

Explain that Elixir is a functional programming language that targets the Erlang VM, known for its excellent support for concurrency, distribution, and fault tolerance.

2. Explain the Elixir concurrency model.

Discuss the actor model and how Elixir uses lightweight processes to achieve concurrency.

3. What are Elixir processes and how do you create one?

Describe how Elixir processes are not OS processes but lightweight threads of execution managed by the BEAM.

4. What are Elixir macros and how do they work? 

Describe macros as a way of writing code that writes other code (metaprogramming).

5. How do you manage state in Elixir applications?

Talk about using GenServer and agents as common ways to manage state in Elixir applications, providing examples of stateful processes.

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