Top 05 Advance Javascript Frameworks Interview Questions

1. What is Dependency Injection in Angular and how does it work?

Explain the concept of dependency injection (DI), why it is used in Angular, and how it improves the modularity and testability of an application.

2. How do you implement Lazy Loading in Angular?

Discuss the concept of lazy loading modules, its benefits, and how to configure routes to utilize lazy loading.

3. Explain the Virtual DOM and its benefits in React.

Describe how the Virtual DOM works and why it is beneficial for optimizing updates to the browser's DOM.

4. Can you explain Context in React and how it is used?

Talk about the Context API, its use cases for propagating data, and avoiding "prop drilling" through component trees.

5. How do you manage state in a Vue.js application without Vuex?

Discuss alternatives to Vuex for state management in Vue, such as using the Composition API or providing/injecting.

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